Wishin' & Hopin' for:
- White, Antiqued Cabinets - on hold for funding
Farm Sink(DH said its a no-go - cannot alter/cut cabinets or granite)- Taupe Walls - not a fan of the current rusty, brown
- Silver and Ironware Filling the soffits above cabinets - will have to create the look
- Copper accents throughout
Hurdles - there are always hurdles...budget - is painting perfectly fine oak cabinets worth pausing other necessary items, i.e. a new mattress? Painting the walls is just a matter of me lacking time. The appliances will be black and the refrigerator is almond (for now).
Disclaimer - Please forgive me for not knowing the source of all these lovely pictures.
I had collected them months and months ago, before I'd given a thought to noting the info.
I had collected them months and months ago, before I'd given a thought to noting the info.
Your kitchen looks fabulous! Hanging pots & pans will look divine in it. Your inspiration board is totally adorable too. It's cozy.